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Ssheena is equivocal by choice.
Ssheena is an independent Italian brand.
Ssheena is an independent Italian brand completely Made in Italy.
Ssheena is a woman who does not care but also a careless man.
Ssheena is above all an idea(l) of a woman prone to short circuits and neurosis.
Art lover, she does not collect it.
She does not turn artists into holy cards.
She uses them, filters and demolish them.
She is iconoclastic partly out of attitude and partly out of vice.
She is contradictory and makes a point of it.
Ssheena, however, is involved in fashion.
Ssheena is Billy Wilder, is Fedora and Norma Desmond.
She is not particularly affable, but when she passes you keep your eyes on her, at a safe distance.
She’s a diva and maybe a little psychotic, definitely punk, but she has a Chanel bag.
She smoke, but then halfway off the disgusted cigarette.
She is both Edith Bouvier of Gray Gardens.
She has lacquered nails.
A cat.
She also wears jeans.
It is also probably Sabrina Mandelli.